Why Ichi-go
We are biased at Ichi-go: we think Japan is the most exciting country on the planet to experience.
We also believe the best travel is built on trust and transparency. This core value informs each of our services – whether it’s custom Japan travel planning, or helping a Japanese hotel or ryokan reach more potential foreign guests.
We want to empower you with our years of hard-earned, firsthand Japan travel knowledge; to enable you to make the best choices with your money and time; and to be a bridge of understanding between Western travelers and Japanese hospitality.
About Brian
Brian first visited Japan in autumn 2005. He loved it so much he went back five months later for cherry blossom season and has returned regularly ever since, including recent trips with his young children.
In addition to more than a decade of Japan travel planning, he has been a fundraiser, speechwriter, and New York City jazz critic. He also is the family genealogist, plays classical piano, and his Japanese is coming along.
Brian lives with his wife, a documentary film producer, and their children in New York City, not far from where his great-grandfather settled after emigrating from Ireland in 1883.

About the Logo
Ichi-go ichi-e (一期一会 ) is an expression from the Buddhist tea ceremony meaning “one time, one meeting,” or “one chance in a lifetime.” It is a reminder to try to be present in all our interactions with others, for each meeting only happens once.
Ichigo (no hyphen) means strawberry. Our logo is designed by Japanese artist Yusuke Hanai, who has collaborated with Vans, BEAMS T, and Burton, and exhibited around the world.